
There is one place where a parent can go to find a few moments of peach and serenity from their children and the stresses of everyday life. No, I’m not talking about the bar. I’m talking about the bathroom. It is the one room in the house where you can lock the door and be by yourself.
Saturday Night Live once did a commercial for the “Love Toilet”. A two person toilet so a couple can “share the moment.” While it made a hilarious skit, I do not recommend this approach to your bathroom time. I think your time in the bathroom should be your time.
Those brief escapes from the chaos of the rest of the house deserve to be as luxurious and enjoyable as possible. Whether you’re in there for a shower, using the toilet, or just eating candy, you deserve an amazing bathroom. A few moments of pampering in the bathroom can give you the sanity you need to face the rest of the day.
My goal with this blog is to share my favorite products in the bathroom. Some of these are fairly pricey while others are simple additions that can really make a difference in the quality of your alone time. Basically I’m going to geek out about all things related to an awesome bathroom.
Some of the topics in this blog are a little personal so I try and mix in some humor just to keep it lighthearted. I may even use some made up terms from time to time because I’m immature, but also because some of these topics, like bidets, might be a little difficult to read about if I used the proper anatomical terms.
For example, I’ll use words like “central canyon” in place of intergluteal cleft (aka: butt crack.) See what I mean, central canyon is way more fun than intergluteal cleft. And I think it’s more appropriate than butt crack. There are other examples you’ll come across from time to time in my writing. I hope I don’t lose you with these made up terms. It makes writing more fun for me and hopefully more enjoyable reading for you.
In the spirit of full disclosure, I will occasionally provide links to products that I recommend. Most of the time if you click on one of these links and buy something, I’ll get a small commission or some kind of compensation. Please don’t think less of me. It’s a good way to make a little extra money so I can keep making my bathroom awesome.